Team Jigger Foundation is a neurological-focused not-for-profit organization that aims to provide the necessary rehabilitation tools for individuals who have suffered spinal cord injuries or associated neurological disorders.
Our facility is home to state-of-the-art neuro-rehabilitation equipment, including but not limited to the RT-300 FES Bike and the Easy-Stand Glider.
Team Jigger is the product of
hard work, dedication, and passion
of a man who has overcome incredible barriers.
Our Inspiration
Born and raised in Lacombe, Jason Lunn has been an active player in the Lacombe and Central Alberta Communities. As a member of the Lacombe Kinsmen Club, the Lacombe Minor Football Association, the Lacombe Athletic Park Association and the Lacombe Health Trust, Jason refuses to be confined by the bounds of his wheelchair.
After a tragic motor vehicle accident on January 14th, 2011 left him with two vertebral fractures, at C6 & C7 along with a spinal cord injury, Jason refused to accept the diagnosis of 'quadriplegic' get in the way of how he lived his life. Since being discharged from the Glenrose Rehabilitation Center, Jason has broken down barriers and has paved new ways for rehabilitation here in Central Alberta. Each day he strives to break down small barriers for mobility, function, and daily activity in his own life, and to help other do the same.
January 2011
Jason's Accident.
Rushed by STARS Air Ambulance to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton
Jason's First Time Home
The first time since his accident, Jason was able to return home for a family vist
Jason Moved to the Glenrose.
After a month and a half in the Royal Alex, Jason gets moved to the rehabilitation hospital.
Jason Moved Home!
FINALLY, Jason was able to return home after several renovations to their family home.
Jason's Recovery Continued
Jason began going to physio twice a week to continue working on his strength, mobility, and function.
Jason Danced with his Daughter at Grad
Six years after being told he would never be able to walk again, Jason stood up to dance with his daughter at her Grade 12 Graduation.
Jason's Met his STARS Crew
Seven years after his accident, Jason was able to meet all of the STARS Air Ambulance first responders that saved his life that snowy January day. Jason was awarded 'VIP' (Very Important Patient) status that day, symbolized by a red band on his right hand.
Jigger is an inspiration to all.
Let his inspiration move you too.
In the early days of recovery, Jason and his family stuck to the mantra 'Hold the Rope' after a story by Yvette Gironard, Head Softball Coach at University of Southwest Louisiana. To 'Hold the Rope' is a way of saying to persevere and support those whom we call our 'team'. These three words were held close to heart through the initial recovery and adjustment phases and continue to hold true as we break down more barriers.