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Together EveryBODY truly does Achieve More!
So let’s rally the troops and come together to promote rehabilitation and accessibility in our community! ​
September 16th - October 31st, 2020

What a success!!
And counting...

The Gold Diggers
Legacy Rehab
Fantastic 4
Fountain Tire Ponoka + Bellco
Bad to the Bones
Jigger's EJSM Friends
Bumper to Bumper Lacombe
To the Stars Occupational Therapy + Wellness
L.A. Carpet & Tile
Lacombe Signmasters
Jigger's Sister Wives
Concrete Chaos
Team Elite Bridal
Odenbach's Outlaws
Gill Construction
Nowco Home Hardware
Radio Active
Stingel Family
Rope + Tye One On
Jigger's Young Tarts & Old Farts
Team Dakota Haarstad
Triple V Farms
Foxwood Homes
Scott Builders
Shelley's Sun & Sand Travel Team
Empire Auto Sales
The Cunningham Family
Team MNP
The Cronies
Team Dutchess
THANK YOU to all the
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